- Moorsom Ave, Epping 2, 7460, Cape Town
- Private Bag X308, Eppindust, 7475, South Africa
- Tel: +27 21 530 2400
- Fax to E-mail: +27 86 676 6844
- E-mail: cptsales @ alnet.co.za | fishingsales @ alnet.co.za
- Unit 2, 9 Reedbuck Crescent, Corporate Park South, Randjespark, Midrand
- PO Box 50708, Randjiesfontein 1683
- Tel: +27 11 314 3493
- Fax to E-mail: +27 86 686 3445
- E-mail: jhbsales @ alnet.co.za
- No 4 Larsen Park, 40 Ebonyfield Avenue, Springfield Park
- PO Box 74319, Rochdale Park 4034
- Tel: +27 31 579 1480
- Fax to E-mail: +27 86 686 3790
- E-mail: dbnsales @ alnet.co.za
- Unit 15A, Aldo Business Park, Greenbushes, Port Elizabeth
- PO Box 3255, North End, 6056
- Tel: +27 41 453 6051
- Fax to E-mail: +27 86 686 5921
- E-mail: pesales @ alnet.co.za